Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Life Without London

It hurts. 

With it being everything. 

Therefore, everything hurts. 

All I want to do is go back. I knew leaving London would hurt, but never this much. Every time someone asks me if it's good to be home, I lie through my teeth. I say yes.

I mean, things are cheaper in America. I'm currently with my family, who loves me very much. And I love them. But there's so much that I miss. And when all that I miss weighs on my heart, it's hard not to want to curl into a ball and dream of busy streets, rainy days, and warm mugs of tea.

In the four months that I spent there, I came to think of London as a second home, following Tokyo and before Baylor or Missouri.

I've been feeling a little melancholy at the moment, and this post is the product of that feeling.

I'm still trying to process living in America again, and believe me, this transition is pretty tough. Hopefully, once I begin school and my job over here, I'll be able to get myself into a steady rhythm.

My wanderlusty, London-loving soul may think otherwise, but everything is going to be okay.

Blogger's Note: Not to worry! There will still be lots of content still popping up here every now and then! Stay tuned! 

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