Sunday, October 11, 2015

London Giveaway!

Hello readers and friends! Today on the blog (as I sift through and finish creating my crazy backlog of posts), I'm doing something completely different.

And guess what? It involves YOU!

What is this marvelous thing, you ask? Why, a GIVEAWAY, of course?

And if you win my little game, I send you a cool prize all the way from LONDON.

So here's what's going on:

Fall break for FIE is the last week of October, right after school ends, and right before our internships begin. Four friends and I are heading out into the land of mainland Europe for a week. The friends are heading to THREE different countries. I have a layover in a FOURTH.

Tell me, lovelies: Where in the [Europe] are we going? 

Oh, yes. I went there. 

Now for the rules:

1. Everyone gets TWO guesses, and TWO guesses only.
2. If I've already told you where I'm going, you get to sit out this time around. Sorry 'bout that, but it wouldn't be fair, now would it?
3. Comment your guesses on the Facebook post where I posted this blog!
4. If you've guessed correctly, I'll let you know!
5. Message me your address to collect your winnings!

Have a map of Europe. Now get guessing.

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